Hi Dr Nash
Trust you are well. I have just returned from my trip to Mecca. I really enjoyed
every moment of my stay. I had enough energy to perform all my religious
obligations and you would never say that I had CFS. We walked more than I ever
walked in my life, climbed hills, pushed wheelchairs to assist some elderly people,
lifted heavy luggage, slept out in the open, shopped, socialized with other
nationalities and enjoyed late night walks in the farthest and darkest corners of
Mecca. The place attracted me and I had the energy to respond. I also never got
sick, except once due to my allergic reaction to coconut. My sleeping patterns were
all mixed up so taking the medication was a challenge but I got in 2 doses per day
at least. There were days where I was tired but not fatigued. I cannot thank you
enough for finding this treatment, it´s the first trip I undertook in 12 years that I
enjoyed thoroughly. Oh and many people have commented on how healthy I look
since my return.
I must finally say that I have tried every other remedy for the CFS and FM but no
treatment is even comparable to yours. Even my TMJ pain is settling down very
nicely, previously I could not even speak for longer than 10 minutes without pain,
now I can speak for an hour and I don´t feel pain. My back/neck/shoulder still gets
a bit tight but overall it´s a 90% improvement, previously I could not carry a 10 kilo
bag and I would be fatigued and achy for days on end.
I would like to make an appointment for the 1st week in January 2009.
Kind regards