Successful recovery progress of a grateful student from Holland.
Dr Petrovic's patients are not only successfully giving exams but skiing as well!!
Please attach Roland de Grauuw's photo skiing!!
To: "Dr. Nash Petrovic"
Subject: Update
Date sent: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 21:57:00 +0200
From: Roland de Grauuw
Hi Dr. Petrovic!
Sorry I didn't update you for a long time. I have been really busy studying lately, but I am happy this is at all possible for me at this time.
I seem to have made good progress as earlier I was already able to go on the skiing vacation, now I was also able again to do many exams. I scored twice the average amount of studying credits last semester with very good grades as well:) I am so happy I am able to function again after the bad period I went through earlier and after even almost quitting completely on my study (law). Now, I will graduate this year probably, hopefully even in September! I think your treatment has an important part in this recovery and I wish to thank you for that!
I hope you and your team are doing well too!
If you like I can post on the patient testimonials section of your page, or perhaps I can do something else to help you promote your treatment?
Hoping to hear from you again,
Roland de Grauuw
ps. I included a picture of me skiing again for the first time after I got ill in 1998; it means very much to me that this picture could be made. It is a much different picture than me being sick and bedridden. Thanks for your help in achieving this result!