Impressive testimony on effectiveness of the CFIDS Protocol 'sport pack' modality used by RSA mountain climbers on Kilimanjaro Mountain in November 2006
My name is Tony Walter-Girout, and I am 48 years old and I am a very fit and sporty person.
This year my two sond Donavan and Andrew and I climbed up the Kilimanjaro Mountain and our performance was wonderful, thanks to Dr. Nash Petrovic who provided us with optimium anti-oxidants sports pack formulated for us to climb the mountain and to take consideration the altitude sickness that goes with the climbing Kilimanjaro. We were in Freezing circumstances, and after summitting the mountain, we ran down in about minutes to the first camp, my son Andrew following 10 minutes later, and Donavan 11 later......
Thanks to Dr. Petrovic for his great sport packs they really do work well, and have seen results.
082 774 9180 or 640 6755