Alta Niemandt
I was diagnosed With M.E. approximately 8 years ago and my condition was:
eyes misty and not focusing
sore back and shoulders
ringing ears
sore throat
throbbing muscles in arms, legs and back
aching arm and leg bones
sore feet especially ankles
sores in nose
sore joints especially wrists, fingers and toes
very sore neck
no memory, concentration or thinking pattern
heart palpitations
dry and itching scalp with sores
very tired and lethargic
About 45 minutes after taking the medication, my eyes starting weeping and I struggled to focus through the (almost) mucous.
Started the treatment on 12 January 1996, feeling very skeptical and not hopeful at all. I had tried so many Doctors and medication already, that I did not really believe this type of medication would actually work.
By the 5th day I was feeling very depressed because I did not notice any major difference in how I was feeling. My thoughts became a little bit more active, but physically I was not up to anything different. I lasted a little longer at night but did not feel like getting up in the morning.
On the 12th morning, I woke up and actually got out of bed without even thinking about it. I stopped and acknowledged what had happened and felt great. I was so happy that finally something major had happened and I knew it would only get better.
During the first month's treatment, my day to day feelings changed all the time. The body aches, headaches, joint aches (all physical conditions) did not seem to improve at all. But I started concentrating again and planning ahead, and actually enjoyed thinking about things again.
During the last week of the first month's treatment and now, during the 2nd month's treatment, my physical side has improved. My muscles do not ache so much anymore, although my joints are still sore, but this fluctuates from day to day. I am now working very hard every day and can learn new products much quicker than before. I am emotionally better able to cope with life and to make decisions.
Overall, my life has improved a great deal and I am much happier than I have been in a long time. I still feel that, physically, I want more improvement, but time will tell.