Great therapeutic success in the USA! From virtually incapacitated CFS sufferer to GREAT energy levels ,weight training and running 3-5 miles 3-4 times per week ! ( 2016 Report)
Hello Dr Petrovic.....
I did fill out the overall health questionnaire and submitted it..I am feeling well.....I workout 4-5 times a week and eat very chicken wheat or sugar for the most milk either....
My energy levels are GREAT overall....I just monitor how I am feeling and if I feel tired then I don't overdo we weight is good I'm weigh 112 pounds but when I started protocol i was 104 and very sick!!!!!...I have gained more muscle from my weight training and am lean but fit! I run about 3-4 times a week 3-5 miles....i have been taking protocol but every other day as I am doing well.....I would like to continue doing so....I got the flu a few weeks ago but was not as bad as others have gotten. .I feel overall well......if you need more info let me know....
Thank you,
Rebecca Q.
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