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1996 TO 1998

Following on the first analysis in October 1996 of 69 subjects with CFS, who had all recovered after treatment with the vitamin and anti-oxidant regimen, except for 2 subjects who would not continue with the regimen beyond 1 month, a further analysis has now been done on fifty further subjects who were examined and treated with the anti-oxidant regimen. Of these, 45 claimed to be fully recovered (90%) after treatment.. These subjects consisted of 33 females (66%) and 17 males (33%). The average age of the group was 35years. The ages of the females ranged from (.5 years to 61 years, while the ages of the males were from 23 years to 51 years.

Some of the subjects had been suffering for a very long time(more than 30 years) while some of the younger ones had only been ill for 3 months. The average time for the conventional treatment had been 6 years and 10 months and none of the patients had recovered . This indicates that for the subjects who had been ill for a long time we had selected the most difficult cases who had resisted all efforts of conventional treatment. Most of the subjects (78% ) recovered fully in less than the average time of 26 days, with 74% showing a marked improvement in under 14 days .The few outliers on the higher side of the distribution were probably no longer suffering from CFS after treatment but were feeling ill from another intercurrent condition which did not respond to the regimen. On the other hand, of the 45 subjects who recovered fully, the one who had had ulcerative colitis (Krohn’s disease) for 20 years needed to continue the treatment for 60 days before her Krohn’s disease was cured.

The problem of the outliers emphasizes the need for a non-subjective diagnostic tool for CFS. Such a test is reported to have been found by researchers in Newcastle in Australia. They claim to have found at least 7 different types of CFS. This test will be of great benefit for diagnosis in at least two ways:- Firstly, before treatment it will be possible to diagnose unequivocally that the subject in fact has CFS; and secondly, after the treatment it will show that the patient is no longer suffering from CFS. If the patient is still not feeling up to par, it will enable the doctor to seek the source of the problem in some other cause. Sinusitis is one problem that is rather slow in responding to the treatment, although some problems of the gastro-intestinal tract seem to respond more quickly, albeit they take a little longer to resolve than does the CFS.

Using the unpaired t-test to compare the times gives a value of p < 5x10EXP(-16). This makes the conclusion that the new regimen is better than the conventional treatment certain.

A question often asked about the regimen, is whether it is permanent. So far there have been no relapses out of all of those who have recovered. Of the present group they are all still going strong after times ranging from 0 to 22 months however, of those that recovered in the first group of October 1996, one woman is very active and still completely well after 4 years and 1 month., and none of the others have relapsed. The results demonstrate that the new regimen affects a permanent cure although it has not been in use long enough to present figures longer than 4 years. On the other hand, if a conventional treatment , such as an antibiotic , cures the patient and he/she does not relapse for 6 months, the cure is regarded as permanent, and if the patient is re-infected, this is regarded as another illness.

If we combine the groups from 1996 and 1998 we get a recovery rate of 112 out of 119 = 94%. . This figure is more reliable because of the larger numbers of patients. However, there is still a doubt in some minds because of the subjective nature of the diagnosis. This could be resolved by the use of the objective test mentioned above, whereby certain patients who may in fact be somewhat emotional would be eliminated from the category of true CFS. Any truly psychosomatic cases would also be eliminated and would not be treated with this regimen, but other procedures would be applied.

Combining the results for both groups gives the following results :-

average time of suffering before trying the new regimen = 7.13 years

average time to experience marked improvement = 16.06 days

It must be borne in mind that although the average time for recovery is only 16 days there is a considerable range among the subjects, the time varying from 0.5 days to as long as 10 months.

Of these 73% recovered in 12 days or less, 87% in 23 days or less, 94% in 39 days or less, while 97% recovered in less than 2 months! This variation probably will be reduced when an objective test for the disease has been applied. However , some patients , who do not understand the nature of statistical data, will be very disappointed if they expect to be cured in 16 days and actually require to continue the regimen for as long as 10 months. On the other hand, the "lucky" ones will be highly delighted if they recover in 12 hours. It is usually recommended that the regimen be continued for a full two months to make sure of the permanence of the recovery.

Report on 50 patients from 1996 to 1998 as at 11 June 1998

No. AGE at start of treatment Time since diagnosed Other medical conditions How long had CFS Time for marked Improvement Time since end of treatment Present status
1 37   13yrs disc operation 15yr 14days 18mo full recovery
2 42   9yr Ear operation atypical CSF only 8 symptoms chronic sinusitis 9yr not recovered   active under financ stress
3 63   3yr systemic conn tissue disease. polymyalgia rheumatica 3yr 90days 18mo fully active
4 28   1yr Chronic Sinusitis 1yr 210days 13mo fully active
5 19   8/12yr Persistent Headaches over 2 yrs - 8/12yr 14d 17mo fully active
6 35 12yr Chronic Sinusitis 12yr 7days 19mo very active

22 4yr   4yr 14days 16mo fully active employed
8 . 40 5 3yr Glandular fever 3 yrs ago 6yr 14days 14mo fully active
9 26 1yr had glandular fever chronic sinusitis 1yr 7days 14mo works full time
10 15 .5 1yr   1yr 7days 21mo very active
11 37 7yr irritable bowel syndrome 7yr 18days 13mo works full time
12 35 3yr Asthma , hayfever 3yr 7days 16mo works full time
13 53 3yr lupus erythematosis 3yr 14days 19mo works full time,started pvt business
14 49 5yr Krohn's disease for 20 yrs 5yrs 60days 15mo very active employed Krohn's cured
15 35 18yr tick-bite fever E-B virus 18yr 75days 12mo fully active
16 23 4yr   4yr 10days 19mo fully active
17 53 2y migraines 2y 14days 14mo very active
18 52 30yrs Tonsilitis depression constantly sleepy 30yrs 7days 5mo fully active back to work
19 39 10y Hypertension candidiasis 10yr 7days 10mo fully active
20 51 6yr Hepatitis B Fatigue 6yr 30days 12mo active bur
21 46 8yr   8yr 14days 1mo fully active
22 29 10yr Fatigue 10y 7days 6mo works full time
23 46 28yr Glandular fever 28yr 7days partial recov 0mo started to work full
24 24 9yr Glandular fever 9yr 7days 10mo fully active
25 26 4.5mo   4.5mo 7days 4 mo pregnant
26 38 4yr   4yr 24days 11mo works full time
27 32 3yr hypothyroidism 3yr 3.5days 8mo works full time
28 9.5 9mo Viral infection 9mo 7days 13mo fully active
29 37 15yr Sinusitis 15yr 14days 11mo works full time
30 27 3mo endometriosis 14.5 yr 7days 21mo fully active
31 23 5yr Depression Fatigue 5yr 10days 14mo partial recovery
32 25 8yr Fatigue 8yr 7days 18mo fully active
33 43 4tr Fatigue 5yr Maxillar sinus operation 4yr 7days 17mo full time job
34 56 12yr Fatigue 12yr 14days 8mo fully active
35 42 5yr Glandular fever respir.infection 5yr 35days 16mo full time job
36 19 4yr   4yr 3.5days 20mo full time job student
37 32 5yr Depression 5yr 7days 22mo  
38 45 2yr Fatigue 20yr 7days 1mo partial recov.
39 57 18yr Rheumatism depression 18yr 7days 15mo full recovery part-time job
40 30 4yr fatigue 4yr 7days 22mo full time job
41 34 8yr hypertension overweight 8yr 14days 3mo partial recov. part-time job
42 45 8yr   8yr 7days 2mo fully active
43 42 1yr fatigue 1yr 7days 2mo fully active
44 33 2yr fatigue 2y 7days 2mo excellent v.active part time working
45 11 2yr Fatigue and pain 2yr 28dys 5mo fully active
46 21 2yr Sarcoidosis Dyslexia 2yr 120days 10mo for full recovery 1mo fully active
47 59 0.5yr   0.5yr 7days 7mo v.active part
48 29 2.5yr   2.5yr 28days partial recov. 10mo partial recov.

39 10yr   10yr 60days 3mo fully active
50 33 2yr fatigue 2yr 7days 3mo fully active
